Tuesday, April 3, 2007

..yaa who`s that.....

rahul....rahul garewal from delhi.
does these words explain who i am......is this my identity.....or it is what left now !!!! but, i am really much more than "rahul garewal from delhi".
trapped in a quagmire of self made circumstances,strugglin amist wirlpool of reluctance,willing to make a lasting mark and creeping....injured but not dead....moving in a comparatively slower pace, but atleast moving. " let me be what i am" maybe some day i will have that kindda liberty to say so....
when ever i am asked to introduce my self it is a bit difficult for me.as i dont have a complete identity, of anything.a total mixture ,a composite composttion,and as said..."jack of all trades.."
and networking sites makes my job more challenging by asking stuff like "your profile" ..."professional profile"..n " your complete profile"....
how can u decide who are you, ofcourse there are many thing which you can fix, but ultimately u are left on the mercy of the other person, to give you importance........and respect.
respect is another such issue...which can`t be asked..it has to be won....and retained.....
and there attitude towards you gives you a fair idea of what you are for them.

after so many years of dedication look what i got........

" yaa...who`s that"


Friday, March 16, 2007

sab chalta hai

some times life teaches u so many things, quite suddenly. and u are left with a stupid looking situtation. carry on, thats the mantra man, we cant decide the degree of pain we can bear, it all in the context. well, for me i have made my mind now. if this is the price, let it be.

sab chalta hai !!!